Goals / Objectives

This module contains information to help participants better understand how their TBI is related to their experiences with anger.

The primary goals of this week will be for participants to:

  • Be able to identify anger and its triggers
  • Be able to discuss what their anger looks like 
  • Understand how anger is related to TBI 
  • Learn anger management skills 
  • Find constructive ways to express anger

TIME: Allow 1.5 hours for the session.

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: A minimum of four participants is recommended.

Activities / Content

Introductory Activities (PDF)

Content (PDF)

  • Introduce Anger and Goals for This Module (5 min)
  • Introduce the Connection Between TBI and Anger (3 min)
  • Indentifying Triggers and Physiological Responses (3 min)
  • Break - Progressive Muscle Relaxation (15 min)
  • Managing Your Anger (5-10 min)

Group Activity (PDF)

  • Role Play: Frustrating Scenario (5-10 min)
  • Anger Management Planning (5-10 min)

Practice Assignment (10-15 min) (PDF)



Handouts (Make copies for parents, guardians and/or probation officers):

Additional Supplies needed:

  • Candy/Food for the “Break” section


Write the following schedule on the whiteboard for participants’ reference:

  • Structure and Topic
  • Applied Practice Review
  • Identifying Anger
  • Anger & Brain Injury History
  • Trigger Identification
  • Break/Progressive Muscle Relaxation
  • Working Through Your Anger
  • Anger Management Planning
  • Group Activity
  • Applied Practice Assignment

At the start of group take time to greet the participants, thank them for coming, ask them their names and share yours as well. Overall, you want to establish a fun and engaging environment.

For further background on this topic, the facilitator is encouraged to visit the following links: