Goals / Objectives
To increase group member understanding of the difficulties related to attending to and utilizing information following a TBI, and to increase their knowledge of strategies to use that will aid memory and goal-setting skills.
- Members will discuss the new information and practice within the group
- Members will utilize the new memory skills to plan for the week ahead
TIME: Allow 1.5 hours for the session.
NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: A minimum of four participants is recommended.
Activities / Content
Introductory Activities (PDF)
Content (PDF)
- TBI and Memory
- Introduce the Topic of Goal Setting (25 min)
- Introduce S.M.A.R.T. Goals (25-30 min)
Group Activity (PDF)
- S.M.A.R.T. Goal Development (5 min)
Reflection / Homework (10-15 min) (PDF)
- Practical Memory Strategies (PDF)
- Progressive Muscle Relaxtion Script (PDF)
- S.M.A.R.T. Goals Defined and S.M.A.R.T. Goals Log (PDF)
- Take Home Impressions These handouts can be found (PDF)
These handouts can be found in the handout section for this week, the facilitator’s guide will indicate when these should be referenced.
Below is a link to a Fact Sheet entitled “Memory and Traumatic Brain Injury” (MSKTC, 2016), which should be printed by the facilitator and handed to participants as a handout where indicated.
Write the following learning objectives on the white board for reference throughout the treatment group::
- Structure and topic
- Homework review
- TBI and Memory
- Break
- Introducing S.M.A.R.T. Goals (25-30 minutes)
- Discussion: developing a S.M.A.R.T. Goal and S.M.A.R.T. Goal Log
- Reflection/Homework