Goals / Objectives

This optional treatment module contains information to allow the participants to better understand how their TBI is related to their emotional dysregulation. This module should be utilized if several participants have expressed issues with mood swings, or if collateral information suggests client issues with emotional dysregulation.

Emotional dysregulation refers to the inability of a person to control or regulate their emotional responses to provocative stimuli.

The primary goals of this week will be for participants to:

  • Identify what occurs during their mood swings
  • Better understand their emotional responses to various situations
  • Allow participants to practice coping skills to reduce or navigate emotional outbursts
  • Provide psycho-education on how emotional dysregulation is related to TBI, and facilitate discussion during group about coping with emotional dysregulation.

TIME: Allow 1.5 hours for the session.

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: A minimum of four participants is recommended.

VIDEO: For trainer info on emotional dysregulation and TBI, see: https://tinyurl.com/ahead-trainerinfo

Activities / Content

Activities (PDF)

Content (PDF)

  • Current Understanding of Emotional Dysregulation (5-10 min)
  • The Commonality of Mood Swings / Emotional Outbursts in Individuals with TBI (5-10 min)
  • Optional Discussion: Emotional Dysregulation and Other Symptoms of TBI (5-10 min)

Group Activity (PDF)

  • Recognizing Emotions of Others (10-15 min)

Reflection / Homework (10 min) (PDF)



These handouts can be found in the handout section for this week, the facilitator’s guide will indicate when these should be referenced.


Write the following group rules on the white board for reference for participants throughout the
treatment group:

  • Confidentiality: The information we discuss in this group is private, and members are expected to keep it that way.
  • Respect: Give your attention and consideration to participants, and they will do the same for you. Examples include:
    • No talking over each other,
    • Pay attention to the person talking (listen, don’t just wait for your turn to talk), and
    • Encourage each other, etc.
  • Participation: You are expected to take part in the discussion and contribute to this group. The pace of this group, however, may limit some participation. Let’s briefly discuss one way that the group leader(s) can signal you when we need to wrap up discussion and move on.

Write the following learning objectives on the white board for reference throughout the treatment group:

  • Structure and topic
  • Homework review
  • Emotional Dysregulation & TBI
  • Break
  • Group Activity
  • Reflection/Homework